Get-NetTCPConnection | Group-Object -Property State, OwningProcess | Select -Property Count, Name, @{Name="ProcessName";Expression={(Get-Process -PID ($_.Name.Split(',')[-1].Trim(' '))).Name}}, Group | Sort Count -Descending
Powershell...because fuck documenation. $records=(get-dnsserverresourcerecord -zonename $zone -computername $dnsServer) If you don't want records starting with a _, you not only need to regex by alphanumeric characters (\w) -- where they defined \w Matches an alphanumeric character No, not it doesn't. It matches any *word* character which in addition to alphanumeric characters includes underscore. foreach ($record in $records) { if ($record.HostName -match '^\w' -and $record.Hostname -notmatch '^_') { $record } } At any rate, the final working regex (once put in the script) to remove a lot of the housekeeping DNS records: if ($name -notlike '**' -and $name -match '^[A-Za-z0-9]' -and $name -notlike '*_msdcs*')
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